Friday, June 21, 2013

What iTHINK about Nuclear Weapons?

What iTHINK about-


           Nuclear Weapon is an explosive device that derive its destructive force from nuclear reactions either Fission or Fusion.These reactions derive vast amount of energy from relatively small quantity of matter.

          The Concept of Nuclear Weapon is derived from the Einstein equation E=mc2 . Its said that Einstein didn't revealed this equation for long time after its discovery(He came to know that this equation can be used for building nuclear weapons).Clearly Bomb was not in his mind during his discovery.

          In November 1954, five months before his death,Einstein summarized his feelings about his role in the creation of atomic bomb:"I made one great mistake in my life...when i signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bomb can be made;but there was some justification - the danger that Germans would make them. "

         Its a weapon of mass destruction that make the life of people surviving it worse than death. The Harmful radiation emitted on its explosion are deadly and hazardous for Life of all kind. Use of Nuclear Weapons is simply inhumane and is against all laws and ethics.

        Possession of nuclear weapons doesn't mean that the country is highly developed for example countries like Australia,Germany,Spain doesn't posses any of these but still these are included in category of developed countries.

       Maintaining and keeping these nuclear weapons is very expensive and takes a large share of defense budget of that country.

       There are currently nine countries that are in possession of these weapons(US, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, France, UK).Out of these 95% belongs to Russia and US.

       The countries that posses these pose threat to whole world. Firstly its hazardous for countries that are on target. Secondly these are deadly for countries that are neutral but surrounds targeted countries due to nuclear radiations. Finally these can be harmful for countries that posses these as an attack on nuclear reserves can be dangerous for these countries. Also there are that these weapons can be stolen and can be used by terrorist group.

        The elimination of nuclear weapons seems practically impossible today, but iTHINK if world leaders take a sincere efforts, then they might be able to make this planet free from nuclear weapons.

We can possibly convert them and can derive enormous energy from them.

Nuclear arsenals: who wants them? - A coterie of politicians.

Why do they want them? - For the illusion of power and to feed their egos.
How do they keep them? - By fostering a culture of fear.
How do they do that? - By positing a Threatening and Unknown Future. 

There are at least 23,000 nuclear weapons: enough to wipe out complete human existence

So what are we waiting for an Armageddon?

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